Mia Akdogan

UGC & Content Creatorin



About Me

Who am I? I am determined, adventurous and love to travel. My name ​is Mia, I am 21 years old, live in germany and have been a UGC Creator ​since 2022 and founded my own company in the field of social media & ​UGC management last year. Women's empowerment and self-​development are particularly close to my heart. I am also a yoga trainer ​to give myself and other people a break from stressful everyday life. I ​am also studying marketing management, which automatically involves ​me in social media, marketing and content creation. I am therefore ​always up to date and can quickly adapt to new trends and implement ​them promptly.


About Me





On Instagram and TikTok, I regularly share insights into my previous collaborations, video ideas and give tips on the topic of UGC. I love to inspire others and at the same time I love to be inspired by others. It's just great to see positive feedback in ads and to know that the content I create is targeting the right audience!

Buildable Instagram UI Outlined Profile Icon
Buildable Instagram UI Outlined Heart Icon


heart project

As a UGC Creator, you spend most of your time working from home. That's why it was important to me to give other creators the opportunity to network and get creative outside of their familiar surroundings. That's why I set up the "Paint and Connect" event in Hamburg, where we painted canvases together and exchanged ideas.

And our next event is coming up soon! The "Mindset & Connect Weekend" is a weekend that we will spend at the nature retreat Astraea, with various workshops on the topics of UGC and mental health. An instructive time out in nature awaits us. You can find more information on the last slide..


more video projects

more video projects

more video projects

more video projects


more photo projects

heart project 2

The "Mindset & Content Weekend" is an inspiring nature retreat that promotes personal growth, creative development and mental health. 10 female creators come together to participate in enriching workshops, from boosting self-awareness to developing high-quality user-generated content (UGC). An unmissable experience for anyone who wants to unleash their full potential.

Would you like to benefit from the reach of this event as a brand? Then get in touch with me via the e-mail address below!




Previous cooperations

In my journey as a UGC creator, I have had the opportunity to work with a variety of brands that have different needs. I am both proud and grateful for these opportunities and look forward to continuously developing myself. This allows me to implement all requests and subsequent feedback in a timely and precise manner.

If you are interested in using UGC but don't have a clear idea for a video yet, that's no problem. I can support you with brainstorming and scripting if needed.



Here you can find some insights into the analytics of the videos I created. On the left there ​are the paid ads and on the right the videos for the organic feed that were simply posted.





  • Script writing
  • Voiceover Videos
  • “How to” Videos
  • Testimonials and Reviews
  • Product Showcase
  • Unboxing
  • Airbnb / Travel Content
  • Vlogs
  • Dog Content
  • UGC Photos




Let’s Connect:


On request

I look forward to your inquiry!